Friday, August 28, 2015

Week 3 O.o

Today marks the end of classes for this week. However, there are still lots of assignments to be done. In fact, those assignments have started to pile up as tutorial and lab classes have started this week.

While I am busy for coding assignment 1 features, assignment 2 suddenly comes by and demand a set of slides in Pecha Kucha style (What is that????). Believe me or not, the first thought that came to me was Kecha Wacha (google this for those who don't know). Although our team tried our best to follow the rules of Pecha Kucha, I still feel that we are using quite a few tricks to pass by the rules since the rules are not too restrictive in same manner. Therefore, I felt a little bit surprise when our slides are accepted, I guess it is expected for us to go around with some tricks.

Today also marks the start of 1 week countdown to the final deadlines. Although I believe our team has committed a lot to the assignment, I still feel that we are lacking in some expects. I hope that we can catch up and produce an almost complete product on  Monday so that we can go around getting more user feedback on all our features and UI/UX.

Next week will be an extremely tiring week for me. One presentation, one assignment product submission, two release of assignments and two forming of project groups......MY SLEEP AND REST!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Well one of the reasons for the 20x20 format IS to get you to be really creative, so "work-arounds" aren't terrible. I'm fine as long as you stick to the 20x20 format.
